Introduction to Spring Couplets

Origin of Spring Couplets

Spring couplets originated from "Peachwood Charms" and can be traced back to pre-Qin times. It is said that in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, calligrapher Meng Chang first created couplets on red paper, which gradually developed into today's form of Spring Festival couplets.

Significance of Spring Couplets

Spring couplets are indispensable decorations during traditional Chinese festivals and carry people's beautiful wishes for the new year and longing for a happy life. Through well-matched text, they express expectations for the coming year.

Types of Spring Couplets

Spring couplets mainly include door center, side couplets, horizontal scrolls, upper couplets, and lower couplets, each with specific requirements and considerations. Different occasions and building positions have different forms of spring couplets.

Connection Between Spring Festival Couplets and UNESCO Recognition

Successful UNESCO Recognition of Spring Festival is not only an international acknowledgment of Chinese culture but also an affirmation of the cultural value of Spring Festival couplets. This event has a profound impact on the cultural influence of Spring Festival couplets.

International Recognition and Cultural Dissemination

The inclusion of the Spring Festival in UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity signifies broad international recognition of the festival and its cultural practices, including couplets. This recognition aids in the global dissemination of Spring Festival couplet culture, allowing more non-Chinese people to understand and participate in this cultural practice.

Cultural Confidence and Identity

The successful UNESCO recognition enhances the confidence and identity of Chinese people in their traditional culture. As an important part of the Spring Festival culture, the activity of writing and pasting couplets may become more lively, serving as an important means of enhancing national cultural identity.

Cultural Protection and Inheritance

The successful recognition emphasizes the importance of protecting and inheriting the Spring Festival and its related cultural practices. As part of this, the traditional writing skills and cultural connotations of couplets will receive enhanced protection to ensure this cultural heritage is effectively preserved and passed down.

The successful UNESCO recognition of the Spring Festival has granted Spring Festival couplets new status and significance.

  • Strengthening as a Cultural Symbol: As a cultural symbol of the Spring Festival, couplets have been further strengthened following the successful recognition. They are not only home decorations but also symbols of Chinese culture, carrying the emotions and blessings of the Chinese nation.
  • Enhancement of Artistic Value: With international recognition of Spring Festival couplet culture, its artistic value has been enhanced. The calligraphic art, well-matched structure, and profound meaning of couplets make them a highlight of international cultural exchange.
  • Expansion of Social Functions: In modern society, the functions of Spring Festival couplets have expanded from traditional roles of exorcising evil, blessing, and praying to include cultural dissemination, artistic appreciation, and social education. Following the successful recognition, the functions of couplets in these areas will be further expanded and deepened.
  • Innovation and Development: After the successful recognition, Spring Festival couplets face opportunities for innovation and development. Integrating modern technology and media, the creation, dissemination, and display of couplets will become more diverse, attracting more participation and interest from younger generations.

Spring Festival Couplets Creation Techniques

Structure and Format of Couplets

The structure and format of Spring Festival couplets are an important reflection of their artistic charm. Couplets consist of the upper line, lower line, and horizontal scroll. The upper and lower lines must have equal word counts and content that echoes each other, creating a complete artistic conception. When creating, follow these structural features:

  • Equal Word Count: The upper and lower lines must have exactly the same number of words, which is the most basic requirement for couplets. For example, the upper line "Spring wind proudly gallops" and the lower line "Autumn waters reflect the vast sky" both have seven words.
  • Neat Antithesis: Words in the couplets should appear in pairs, such as nouns to nouns, verbs to verbs, adjectives to adjectives, with the same parts of speech and similar structure. For instance, "Rivers and mountains forever beautiful" to "China's glory eternal spring."
  • Harmonious Imagery: The upper and lower lines should not only be antithetical in form but also echo in content and imagery, expressing a common theme or emotion. For example, "Blessing stars shine with joy" and "Longevity realm opens with spring" together convey wishes for family happiness and longevity.
  • Concise Horizontal Scroll: The horizontal scroll is the summary and sublimation of the couplets, usually consisting of four characters, requiring brevity and strength to encapsulate the theme of the couplet. For example, "All things renewed" as a horizontal scroll summarizes the new year's atmosphere of the couplets and adds to the festive cheer.

Tones and Rhythms in Couplets

The tones and rhythms of couplets are the source of their musical beauty and sense of rhythm. In creating couplets, the combination of tones and coordination of rhythms is very important:

  • Alternation of Tones: Chinese tones are divided into level and oblique tones, with level tones being long and oblique tones being short. In couplets, tones need to alternate to form a rhythm. Generally, the last word of the upper line should be in an oblique tone, and the last word of the lower line should be in a level tone to conform to the rhythm of the Chinese language.
  • Rhythm Coordination: The rhymes of couplets need to be coordinated, meaning the final word of the upper and lower lines should have the same or similar vowel sounds to achieve rhyme. For example, "Spring returns to the earth with a thousand hills shining" (vowel sound "iu") and "Blessings fill the world with prosperity" (vowel sound "in").
  • Sense of Rhythm: In creating couplets, attention should also be paid to the sense of rhythm in the sentences. By adjusting the arrangement of words and the position of pauses, the couplets read more smoothly and melodiously. For example, in "Auspicious snow heralds a prosperous year, harmony brings prosperity," the pauses between "auspicious snow" and "heralds a prosperous year," "harmony" and "brings prosperity" enhance the rhythm of the couplet.

Spring Couplets Pastings Guide

100 Selected Spring Festival Couplets

Festive Blessings

  • 新春大吉 上联:春回大地千门秀 下联:福满人间万事兴
  • 五福临门 上联:喜居宝地财源广 下联:福照家门瑞气多
  • 福寿双全 上联:春风送暖入屠苏 下联:福气传家满庭院
  • 万事如意 上联:五福临门添吉庆 下联:万事如意展宏图
  • 喜气盈门 上联:春满乾坤福满门 下联:喜临华夏瑞临家
  • 四季平安 上联:欢天喜地迎新岁 下联:举国欢腾贺新春
  • 吉祥如意 上联:吉星高照迎新春 下联:如意吉祥贺岁来
  • 百福临门 上联:百福齐天增福寿 下联:万喜盈门纳祥和
  • 瑞雪丰年 上联:瑞雪纷飞辞旧岁 下联:丰年喜气迎新春
  • 春满人间 上联:春满人间花似锦 下联:福临大地喜盈门

Student Messages Category

  • 学而有成 上联:书山有路勤为径 下联:学海无涯苦作舟
  • 学贯古今 上联:学富五车真学问 下联:才高八斗是人才
  • 博学笃志 上联:笔耕不辍春华秋实 下联:书读有声朝进暮益
  • 金榜题名 上联:寒窗苦读十年功 下联:金榜题名一举成
  • 学海扬帆 上联:学海泛舟乘长风 下联:书山探径踏层云
  • 学海无涯 上联:书山有路勤为径 下联:学海无涯智作舟
  • 金榜题名 上联:学海无涯勤作舟 下联:功名有路苦为梯
  • 学有所成 上联:笔墨书香传雅韵 下联:诗书礼乐润人生
  • 勤学向上 上联:寒窗十载磨砺志 下联:春榜一举展鸿图
  • 学贯中西 上联:学贯中西通古今 下联:才兼文武定乾坤

Wisdom Growth Category

  • 智慧长进 上联:读书明理增智慧 下联:修德养心启新篇
  • 学以致用 上联:学以致用创新路 下联:知行合一展宏图
  • 博学笃志 上联:博学多闻增见识 下联:笃志力行展才华
  • 德才兼备 上联:德才兼备立人生 下联:学问双修创未来
  • 明德至善 上联:明德修身立志远 下联:至善养性创新天
  • 学海扬帆 上联:学海扬帆乘长风 下联:知识启航踏新程
  • 砥砺前行 上联:砥砺前行志不移 下联:奋发图强心永恒
  • 求知若渴 上联:求知若渴启智慧 下联:好学不倦增才华
  • 品学兼优 上联:品学兼优展锦程 下联:德才并进创佳绩
  • 学思践行 上联:学思践行明事理 下联:知行合一达天道

Career Advancement Category

  • 前程似锦 上联:前程似锦展宏图 下联:事业如春满乾坤
  • 步步高升 上联:步步高升通四海 下联:年年进步达三江
  • 事业有成 上联:事业扬帆破浪进 下联:前程展翅凌云飞
  • 志在千里 上联:志在千里创新业 下联:心怀天下展宏图
  • 鹏程万里 上联:鹏程万里展宏图 下联:志在四方创伟业
  • 扬帆起航 上联:扬帆起航踏征程 下联:奋楫争先创佳绩
  • 乘风破浪 上联:乘风破浪勇向前 下联:扬帆远航创新篇
  • 开拓创新 上联:开拓创新谋发展 下联:励精图治创辉煌
  • 展翅翱翔 上联:展翅翱翔追梦想 下联:扬帆奋进谱华章
  • 雄心壮志 上联:雄心壮志谋大业 下联:智慧才华创新天

Peace and Health Category

  • 福寿康宁 上联:身康体健延年寿 下联:家泰人安福满门
  • 四季平安 上联:四季平安人寿康 下联:八方吉祥福气长
  • 平安吉祥 上联:平安是福添吉庆 下联:健康为本纳祥和
  • 康泰安乐 上联:身体健康多福寿 下联:家庭和睦永安康
  • 平安如意 上联:平安吉祥年年好 下联:健康如意岁岁新

Festive Celebration Category

  • 辞旧迎新 上联:辞旧岁喜迎新春 下联:接福气共庆佳节
  • 春满乾坤 上联:春满乾坤福满门 下联:喜临华夏瑞临家
  • 新春快乐 上联:新春快乐迎福至 下联:佳节欢欣纳瑞来
  • 岁岁平安 上联:岁岁平安春永驻 下联:年年如意福长存
  • 万象更新 上联:万象更新添锦绣 下联:千门永泰纳祥光